Wednesday, May 15, 2013



According to the Oxford dictionary Identity, also called sameness, is whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable. Art is one of the most used medium that expresses identity, used by artists, art critics and even art collectors. Art communicates the experience or the experiences encountered by the artist or creator. It is through the identity of the individual (i.e. the artist), their culture (ethnicities, race, beliefs, values, etc.) the date of production (i.e. Egyptian, Gothic, Modern, etc.) that one can relate to the art work. This paper will discuss three types of identity: cultural, individual and historical.
            [1]“Cultural identity is defined as the identity of a group or a culture, or of an individual as far as one is influenced by ones belonging to a culture. For example ethnicities, race, beliefs, values, etc. all influential to "art". Cultural practices, especially the purposeful making of things, embody our values and are the basis of the good mental health of a society. Such practices helps an individual achieve and form a sense of identity. These practices, especially the purposeful making of things, embody our values and beliefs. The experiences derived through culture transform from mere memory to an art form which is passed from the artist to the seller then to the buyer or collector.
            [2]Art [including craft and design] is a kind of thinking/making which enables people to form and develop their identity”. It can be seen as a self-affirming motion which helps with interpreting, clarification, add to or challenge our cultural life. “Rustam Series 1, 2 and 3” are in my opinion good representations of cultural identity through art. These works depict Asian culture through their beliefs by allowing the viewer to become one with the work. The fact that many people adopt a conformist lifestyle this does elude individuality. There are many different fields where individuality is praised, from cinema and theatre to art and fashion. People are encouraged to strive to achieve dreams and achieve their potential.
            Individual identity can be defined as a basic human need. Like safety and security, belonging, love and freedom, each individual needs to have formed a self-concept, an accurate perception of self, to live a full, healthy life. A perfect example of this identity is an artist. The artist embodies individualism and is through this self-awareness they are able to depict themselves. Whether the form is through portraits, drawing, paintings, etc. whenever art is created it is an illustration of the artist. Therefore any art form in my opinion is a type of individual identity through art, an example of this is the “Bed of Love”. This art piece is one of the most amazing and creative works I have ever seen and it because the artist was able to incorporate his influences that are attributes to who is, his identity.
            Historical Identity in art has to do with the time period in which the work of art is created. Like all identities this identity also plays a vital role in the creation of art. [3] Jan Matejko (1838-1893), the most popular creator of romantic visions of Polish history, declared, "Art is a weapon of sorts; one ought not to separate art from the love of one's homeland." Contemporary artists and spectators may find the pomposity and even a certain naiveté of that statement are difficult to accept and not only because it was over a hundred years ago that this opinion and many similar ones were expressed. An example of a piece of art that depicts historical identity is “Camille, 1866 “, this piece was created around the same time of Jan Matejko declaration. Most times when a person hears historical they think ancient, however, historical is both past present and in some arenas future.
            “It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always all the time, That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”  Patrick Rothfuss. This quote embodies identity in its entirety. Art has many influences but one of the main foci is on identity and how the types of identities intertwine and impact art. Without having identities there would be no art.

Artist’s Full Name: KHADIM ALI
Title of Work: RUSTAM SERIES 1


Artist’s Full Name: TAYEBA BEGUM LIPI
Title of Work:  LOVE-BED
Year Completed: 2012

 Artist’s Full Name:  CLAUDE MONETTE
Title of Work: CAMILLE
Year Completed: 1866

Martin, Helen. "Exploring Cultural Identities through Art." TIDE. Tide Global Learning, n.d.       Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
Szyszko, Feliks. "History's Impact on Polish Art." History's Impact on Polish Art. Polish Art                     Club of Buffalo, 19 Apr. 2000. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
"Selected Highlights." The Metropolitan Museum of Art, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013.
            <       modernity/images>. Vale, Canley. "Types of Art." Types of Art. Researching Art., n.d.             Web. 15 Apr. 2013.

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